Healing the body, mind, and spirit through Traditional Chinese Medicine and SAAT
Release, Relax, Heal
MY Acupuncturist PLLC
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT™)

What is SAAT™???
One Needle
One Treatment
One Allergen
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT™) is a patented technique using a 3mm, hair thin needle, in most cases requires only one treatment. This technique has been clinically proven to provide the strongest relief from allergies, including
alpha-gal a tick-borne allergy. Up to three allergies may be treated per session
(which typically equates to 3 needles). Needles are retained for up to 4 weeks depending on the specific allergy treated. They are held in place with a special medical grade adhesive, and a virtually unnoticeable.
SAAT™ Treats:
Food allergies including gluten.
Environmental allergies.
MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome).
Alpha Gal, a tick-borne allergy.
Basically, any allergy under the sun, including the sun.
In some cases, it is necessary to combine SAAT™ with a homeopathic remedy, this will be accessed at the time of your visit and is an additional cost. Prices vary for the homeopathic remedy.
I am currently booking for January 2025.
Offered on Thursdays by appointment only.
This service is not covered by insurance.
Please call the office for pricing and to schedule your appointment. 516-250-0101
One of the great attributes of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the consideration of the signs and symptoms as they relate to the individual. Each patient presents with subtle differences, it is in the details that help to arrive at a treatment plan. This can only happen after careful consideration of symptoms as reported by the individual and the observation of the acupuncturist. Results are monitored and adjustments as symptoms change and/or improve.
Acupuncture treats a wide variety of symptoms. Most people have heard that acupuncture is great for the management of pain which is true. Acupuncture can treat just about any concern including insomnia, constipation, infertility, nausea, digestive issues, as well as improving stress and mood. Acupuncture returns the body into harmony so the body may heal itself. It is important to know that acupuncture can work concurrently with other treatment modalities.

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything."
- Lao Tzu

About Maria
Maria received a Bachelor of Professional Studies and Master of Science in Acupuncture at Pacific College of Health and Science and has completed the Doctoral Program at the same college. Recognizing that healing is an integrative practice in which the mind, body and spirit are entwined, Maria understands that finding balance amongst these aspects can create a space for healing.
Maria is dedicated to working with patients where they are currently on their healing journey and helping them realize their goals for personal wellness. She explains, “acupuncture treats the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the body, thus bringing balance into the body, in turn this promotes wellness and healing. Acupuncture treats the person as a whole. That is the beauty of Traditional Chinese Medicine.”
Maria is a certified Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT™) practitioner, trained by Dr Soliman to provide relief from allergy symptoms. Maria will continue to study auricular acupuncture and auricular medicine with Dr Soliman to offer the most up-to-date treatments for her patients.
Maria’s practice includes the treatment of gynecological concerns including PMS, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and fertility. She also works with patients experiencing insomnia and/or digestive issues, as well as pain, but does not limit herself to a singular specialty. She has worked with scar therapy, an important aspect of the healing process. Her passion overall is to work towards health and wellness maintenance explaining that “maintaining wellness is the key to enjoying life to the fullest.”

What to expect...
Arrive 20 minutes prior to your first appointment. This will give you time to find parking, locate our office and settle in. Be sure to fill out of the forms that have been emailed to you and email them back to our office at least 24 hours prior to your first visit, this way I may review your paperwork.
Frequently patients ask what to wear. It is suggested you wear loose comfortable clothing, in this way it will be easy to access your arms, legs, and torso. If you are coming straight from work, bring along a pair of shorts and a tank top which you may change into.
Acupuncturists will ask you A LOT of questions. This will help to arrive at a diagnosis and treatment plan specific to you. We will also look at your tongue and take your pulse. Both of these help to arrive at the correct diagnosis. Pulse taking is a bit different then you may be used to. Yes, we are feeling and noting the rate and rhythm of your heart rate, but we also feel your pulse to gain an understanding of your bodies systems too! In acupuncture we palpate the pulse on both wrists, in three different positions, at three different levels. In this way, we can assess the systems of the body as they relate to TCM.
We will ask you to stick out your tongue, this may seem like a strange request. We ask that you do not brush your tongue prior to your visit as we may not see the true state of this specialized way to diagnose. We will also ask to see underneath your tongue as well, just in case sticking out your tongue wasn't strange enough!
You will have a few minutes to change your clothes if needed, then I will come back to the room and insert very thin needles into the points selected for your treatment. Then you will rest. I will check in on you to be sure your are comfortable. Sometimes the front of the body is treated, or the back of the body or both. Your time is important to me, so I will not keep you longer than your intended visit, which is typically 90 minutes for your first visit, and 60 minutes for subsequent visits.
As an out-of-network provider, most insurances are accepted, please check with your insurance provider.
You may have questions that still remain unanswered, that is okay, you can send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I look forward to meeting you and being a part of your healing journey.
Facial Rejevenation
Acupuncture uses very thin needles, inserted into specific locations (points) in the body to promote the correct movement of Qi through the meridians. Meridians or channels are associated with the internal organs. When the free flow of Qi is disrupted, an imbalance is created in the body which typically corelates with one or more organs. Correct movement of Qi through the meridians supports the body innate ability to heal. Each acupuncture session is tailored to the individuals specific healing needs. Typically, needles are retained for 30 minutes while you rest. You can except to spend 1 1/2 hours for your first acupuncture session, each subsequent session is an hour in length.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a safe, natural, drug-free and effective way to keep you looking and feeling your best. A facial acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of acupuncture needle into the face, neck and body in order to reduce the visible signs of aging. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the meridians or pathways of Qi (energy) flow throughout the entire body from the soles of the feet up to the face and head; consequently, a facial acupuncture treatment addresses the entire body constitutionally, and is not merely “cosmetic.” Facial acupuncture involves the patient in an organic and gradual process that is customized for each individual. It is no way analogous to, or a substitute for, a surgical “face lift.” A treatment session may confine itself solely to facial acupuncture, or it may be used in conjunction with other modalities. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture can increase facial tone, decrease puffiness around the eyes, as well as bring more firmness to sagging skin, enhance the radiance of the complexion and flesh out sunken areas. Customarily, fine wrinkles will disappear, and deeper ones will be reduced. As this treatment is not merely confined to the face but incorporates the entire body and constitutional issues of health.
Treatment length Approximately
1 1/2 hours in length sold in packages of ten.
Auricular Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation
Wellness Check-Up
Auricular Acupuncture
First, there must be a desire to quit smoking. That is the most important step! Then, come up with a plan, set a date, and begin!
The auricular acupuncture technique uses a special point finding device to locate area on the ear that help to control withdrawal symptoms by treating specific areas of the brain known to influence both pleasure and punishment (withdrawal). These points help patients become more clear-headed and comfortable in their recovery process.
This treatment involves the gentle placement of small semi-permanent sterilized needles into specific sites on each ear. Needles are held in place with a special "plaster" and retained for up to 3 weeks.
The course of treatment is 4 to 5 consecutive days. This allows for the treatment to be tailored to your specific needs, addressing symptoms that may arise as your body detoxes from nicotine and other additives found in tobacco.
Auricular acupuncture is an adjunct therapy which is clinically effective, cost-efficient and drug-free.
The combined application of acupuncture with counseling, education, medical support and self-help groups enhances opportunities for success.
“A superior doctor prevents sickness;
A mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness; An inferior doctor treats sickness.” - Chinese Proverb
Wellness is the prevention of sickness.
The absolute beauty of acupuncture is the maintenance of health and well-being.
The ability to enjoy life free and unencumbered by pain and ill-health, a wonderful gift to yourself.
The Wellness Check-Up treatment is a combination of points believed to increase health and vitality.
At a Wellness Check-Up we forgo the lengthy intake, we will need access to your arms and legs from the knee down, loose fitting pants will do fine.
The approximate time of the treatment is 40 minutes. This treatment is a fixed rate of $100.
Insurance does not apply to this treatment.
Olivia C
"Maria is extremely trustworthy. I never thought I could receive helpful pain relief for my chronic pain, but even after just one visit with her, I went from a 9/10 on the pain scale down to 0. There are no words to sum up how wonderful she is— let yourself try one time and you will surely be thankful you did!"
Jason D
"I have been suffering with covid long haul for nearly two years. When I first met Maria, I could tell immediately that she was a wonderful and compassionate soul. She is an expert and does a fantastic job. I would highly recommend Maria to anyone looking to explore acupuncture as a treatment."
Michele M
"Dr. Yakkey is incredibly knowledgeable, patient, and compassionate!
I have never felt healthier or calmer and I attribute that to her!"